Residential Pest Control in the Phoenix, AZ Area
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Common Arizona Pests
Arizona is home to a number of pests that tend to find their way into homes. If you notice signs of pests, such as carcasses, droppings, nibbled cardboard or even pests themselves, don't hesitate to contact us. We remove and exterminate all pests, including common AZ pests like:

There are several varieties of Arizona ants that pose a risk to property and health. This includes red ants, black ants, southern fire ants, harvester ants and carpenter ants.

Most bees in southern Arizona are of the Adricanized variety, which are harmful to humans, livestock and pets. If you spot a nest or a swarm, be sure to give us a call as soon as possible.

Carpet Beetles
Carpet beetles, a flying insect, don't bite or sting, but can cause dermatitis if it comes in contact with human skin. They can also contaminate food, including pet food, seeds, grains, spices, chips and more.

Cockroaches of all types spread disease and are a common cause of asthma. They will contaminate all types of foods and are known for causing psychological distress.

Silverfish don't bite or sting or cause direct harm to pets or people, but they will munch on starchy foods, clothing, wallpaper, books and other starchy materials. Contact us for proper identification and removal if you suspect an infestation.

Brown recluse and black widow spiders are both common in Arizona. If disturbed they can both become aggressive, resulting in dangerous bites. Don't try to trap spiders on your own, as it could result in a bite.

House flies can contaminate food and spread disease. Excessive flies within a home need to be removed by a professional pest control team. Contact us for proper fly control services.

Also known as sow bugs or roly-poly bugs, pillbugs are commonly found where there is excessive water or rotting plants. They may eat away at gardens, but if found inside, they're often an indication of a water leak.

Earwigs in normal numbers are beneficial in their normal outdoor habitat, as they help control other insect populations. If found inside, contact a local pest control company to make sure your home is saved from these scary looking bugs.

Controlling mosquitoes can be very difficult, but there are steps we can take to reduce the population of this disease spreading, biting insects. Reach out to our AZ pest control team to learn more.

These biters feed on mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Common AZ ticks include the brown dog tick and the Rocky Mountain wood tick, both of which can cause Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

There are many species of scorpions present in Arizona. While many don't carry venom that can harm humans, some do. Although death from a scorpion sting is rare, it does happen, so don't try to trap scorpions unless you're professional trained.

Why Do Pests Infest Homes?
You may find pests inside or around your home for a number of reasons. The most common causes of a pest infestation include the pests searching for food, shelter or breeding grounds. There are tactics a homeowner can take to make their home less attractive to bugs, including keeping pantry foods sealed and cleaning up standing water. For more information on how you can prevent pest infestations, don’t hesitate to contact Core Pest Solutions.
If you’re facing any sort of pest infestation, call Core Pest Solutions at (623) 400-8981. We strive to provide fast, safe and effective residential pest control in Phoenix and throughout Arizona. Our nearby exterminators would be happy to answer any questions you have or provide you with a free estimate for pest management in AZ.